Financial Coaching designed for Military Retirees

Preparing yourself for the next chapter in your life, and beyond…

The military transition process can be a very stressful and confusing time for both you and your family. You always have so many different things that you have to do, and never enough time to do it. You don’t even know what you don’t yet, and there’s so much advice, you’re not sure what you can and can’t trust.

We know what it’s like because we’ve been there ourselves, and understand how it feels. The good news…is that you don’t have to go through it alone! The Military Money Mistakes program is designed to help you tackle one of the most important aspects of your transition…managing your personal finances!

What You’ll Get From Military Money Mistakes

The Course

Part of the process of preparing yourself financially for your military transition is to educate yourself on a variety of pertinent topics. Using our in-depth knowledge of both personal finance and the military transition process, we've put together a comprehensive course that will give you the knowledge you need to make confident decisions about your money before, during, and after your military retirement. We cover a variety of topics throughout the course, including:

  • Overview Of The Financial Services Industry

  • Behavioral Finance and Your Mindset

  • How To Be Efficient With Your Money

  • Insurance & Estate Planning

  • Optimizing Your Tax Strategy

  • Investments & Investment Strategies

  • Planning For Retirement

  • The Survivor Benefit Plan Decision

  • Options For Your TSP After Retirement

  • Taking Advantage Of Your Benefits


In addition to the course, you'll also get access to weekly group coaching sessions where we take a deeper dive into topics from the course and teach you how you can apply them to your own personal situation. Additionally, you'll have quarterly check-ins with your coach to ensure that you stay on track and accomplish your short and long-term goals.

Peace of Mind

For both you and your family. Some of the biggest concerns that you’ll have throughout the military transition will all revolve around your finances. By the time you’ve completed the course and your coaching sessions, you’ll have the confidence you need to make sound financial decisions not just during your transition, but for the rest of your life.

Are you ready to stop working for your money and start making it work for you?